JEG KEDER MIG AD HELVEDE TIL 2020 (I am bored as hell)

I am Bored as Hell, 2020 [Jeg keder mig ad helvede til]
Wa(l)king Copenhagen
100 dage, 100 kunstnere
Molly Haslund Wa(l)king Copenhagen Metropolis
30 May / day: Molly Haslund
TIME: 30 May 06.00-18.00h
START: Griffenfeldsgade, Copenhagen N
KATEGORI: Visual artist / performance
Live-stream each hour on the hour on
I am Bored as Hell, 2020 [Jeg keder mig ad helvede til]
The performance, created for the 100-day project Wa(l)king Copenhagen, Denmark, was held during the first Covid lockdown of 2020.[1] Haslund was one of 100 artists invited to create a 12-hour walk, livestreaming every hour on the hour. Wearing her signature grey suit, and carrying a sign with the Danish for I AM BORED AS HELL, Haslund walks through the city using her body, words and emotions to reflect the new circumstances and existential questions raised by the pandemic. She visits places in the city that were teeming with life before the lockdown, places like Strøget, City Hall Square, Nyhavn, the Little Mermaid and Tivoli. She reaches one of the 12 destinations on her planned route every time the clock strikes the hour, stopping and shouting I AM BORED AS HELL as loud as she can while streaming to the rest of the world. With this intervention in public space, Haslund provokes a wide range of reactions from passers-by, and during her marathon walk a number of spontaneous encounters and conversations arise.
The streaming videos are available on this site.
I am Bored as Hell, 2020 [Jeg keder mig ad helvede til]
I want to go to places I usually avoid, and with me I have a sign that says: I AM BORED AS HELL.
I will walk through town with my sign when people are cycling to work, walk down Strøget, look at Magasin Du Nord, cross Queen Louise’s Bridge, walk around the lakes and, like many others, walk along Nørregade, visit the major museums, Christiansborg, Langelinie, The Little Mermaid, the Zoo, Tivoli Gardens. Vesterbrogade, Østerbrogade, Nørrebrogade. Islands Brygge, Christianshavns Torv, Bredgade, Nyhavn. Amagerbrogade, Amager Bio, all the squares. Walk past the movie theatres, cafes, parks and the outdoor swimming pools. Places I know where it is teeming with people. Every hour of my walk, I will stand up and shout what is on my sign, I AM BORED AS HELL, to the full force of my lungs. I want to walk, and I want to shout to create some reaction. Between these hourly outbursts along the way, I will find someone who wants to join – maybe I meet someone who wants to walk with me, perhaps shout with me or even discuss.
Video 1-12: Live streaming videos shot every hour 7am-6pm on May 3ord
Video 13: Storm Asmund Damgaard shouted with me. Thank you to Storm.
Photos of people I met on my way.
Check out all participating artists here:
Thank you METROPOLIS and everyone I met.
The video streamings recorded on May 30, 2020 was exhibited along with the sign as part of the group exhibition Atmosfærer–Aktion, Eufori, Melankoli, Spiritualitet, Den Frie Exhibition, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen March 26–May 29, 2022