Every Morning 2000–2007

Every Morning 2000–2007
2005 Every Morning, 2645 photographs, Project Room, Tramway Glasgow
Every Morning, 2000-07
From 2000 to 2007 Haslund photographs herself as soon as she wakes up in the morning. This morning ritual is conducted with a compact, analogue camera she takes wherever she sleeps. One film a month, one photograph a day. Since the photographs are analogue, she cannot see the image immediately after taking it or delete bad shots. Each image is therefore the sole, unedited evidence of each specific morning. The ritual ends in 2007 when the camera mysteriously disappears.
Every morning I document waking up on a compact camera that I always carry with me. Wherever I happen to be, I take a self-portrait immediately after having woken up, with or without flash, depending on the light of the day. I do it in order to have a life-long ritual always within reach. And for the sake of ritual and commitment. I document my waking-ups because they are the only things I can be certain of each day. I photographthe state between sleep and being awake, before I start thinking about what I need to do that day, the time when I think about what I have dreamed; I want to be able to remember the patterns and the colors of the linen. I want to know how I look in that moment.
Molly Haslund, 2003
Installation shots by photographer Allan McKenic