Flower Drop. Introducing Molly Haslund (monograph)

Flower Drop. Introducing Molly Haslund
In november 2022 SixtyEight Art Institute and Really Simple Syndication Press publish Flower Drop. Introducing Molly Haslund
The English-language monograph provides a thorough introduction to Haslund's work and practice over the past two decades. The book is richly illustrated and features essays by Karen Vestergaard Andersen, Sanne Kofod Olsen, Miriam Frandsen and Gabriela Jauregui, each of whom contextualise and situate Haslund's practice within recent art history and explore the artist's vision for her work.
RSS Really Simple Syndication Press, 2022
Monograph 304 pages
English language
Layout by Jeanne Betak
Find it at the publisher RSS Press:
Online bookshops:
Beam Editions (UK)
Art bookshop in Copenhagen:
Nikolaj Kunsthal
SMK National Gallery of Denmark
Generously supported by the New Carlsberg Foundation, 15. Juni Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, The Danish Arts Foundation, Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond, Dansk Tennis Fond, Sven Hols' Legat, Fonden af 28. februar 1970
Thanks to Sixty Eight Art Institute, Jeanne Betak and Den Frie udstillingsbygning.
Thanks to the authors Karen Vestergaard Andersen, Sanne Kofod Olsen, Miriam Frandsen and Gabriela Jauregui.
Thanks to all the photographers who contributed to the book (would any of you like to receive a copy of the book, please email: molly@mollyhaslund.com)
Photo the book cover shown on this site by photographer Malle Madsen
Portraits shown on this site by photographer Jenny Sundby ( to be found in the book)